is now available in every part of Australia.
More people than ever before can access our detailed forecasts of population, housing and residential development for local areas.
Catch up on the presentations from our launch events, or learn more about how can support your work.

The story we presented:
A return to the cities
Australia's cities have never been so important as centres of population, prosperity and community.
And as Australia grows, it is our cities that are best placed to accommodate our growing population in supported, integrated and thriving communities.
As part of the PEXA Group, .id (informed decisions) is proud to unveil a new national forecast that reveals previously untold stories about when and where there will be population-driven demand for housing, essential infrastructure and other services over the next quarter century.
A return to the cities
Australia's cities have never been so important as centres of population, prosperity and community.
And as Australia grows, it is our cities that are best placed to accommodate our growing population in supported, integrated and thriving communities.
As part of the PEXA Group, .id (informed decisions) is proud to unveil a new national forecast that reveals previously untold stories about when and where there will be population-driven demand for housing, essential infrastructure and other services over the next quarter century.
Do you need to know where people will live, now and into the future?
As Australia's overseas migration program roars back to life, the country is forecast to grow by 9.2 million people over the next 25 years. Two in five of them will live in Greater Melbourne or Greater Sydney.
And yet, the 2023 Living in Australia survey revealed that Australians rank access to affordable and decent housing among the most highly valued but most poorly experienced components of what makes their local area a good place to live.
So can Australia enjoy the demographic and economic benefits of migration while supporting our newest Australians with the infrastructure that underpins thriving communities?
Join leaders from other organisations who have a stake in planning for the future of our urban areas as we unveil a new evidence base for planning in Australia, and discuss the role our cities will play as the epicentres of housing supply and demand over the next quarter century.
The future of your community in a regional and national context
No place is an island, and every place within our cities plays a unique role and function within its wider region. Understanding this local nuance is critical to planning for the needs of our diverse communities.
For the first time, Australia has forecasts that provide this detailed view of our communities - where they are now, where they are going, and what's driving growth and change.

Supporting the delivery of housing and services to meet the needs of a growing Australia
.id (informed decisions) is part of the PEXA group of organisations that provide place-based analysis and insights for planners, developers and other organisations who will deliver the infrastructure and services to support Australia's future communities.
Together, our organisations support all stakeholders in development from identifying opportunities to meet the housing needs of local areas, to making a robust case for investment in places, mitigating investment risk and providing a clear pathway to sustainable and appropriate development that meets the needs of our changing communities.