State of the Regions National Economic Dataset: 2024 update

What is the state of your region?

Register your interest in a State of the Regions 2024 dataset update webinar.




The State of the Regions (SOR) dataset is the country’s only economic and employment dataset that provides annual national economic and employment information at the LGA level.

The SOR dataset is intended for use in local economic development planning and project assessment. Every year, 100s of councils across Australia use our location specific economic data to inform policy decisions, attract investment and secure grant money for essential community infrastructure.

Tell a cohesive story of your local economy – how it is changing over time, and how it compares to other areas.

outline of Australia_outline__Block_ORANGE

National representative

Understand how economic impact differs across Australian LGA's.



Utilise annual economic data from 2000/1 to 2022/23 to monitor progress and comprehensively plan for the future of your local area.


Spatially benchmarked 

Apply national, state, regional and metro benchmarks to inform place-based planning at the local level.


Industry standard

.id deliver Australia’s leading economic modelling and detailed industry data at the local level.

Understand the complex economic issues impacting your local economy including:

economic growth_Block_ORANGE

Rising cost of living pressures

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Skill shortages and worker availability


Economic transition in various industries


industry technical services_Block_ORANGE

Economic mismatch between jobs and population

Updated time-series for deeper analysis

The latest (SOR) update expands the dataset to include data from 2000/01 to 2022/23, providing a rich historical context for your analysis, which is critical as we move further away from the 2021 ABS Census.

You can now explore key economic indicators, including: 

- Local job trends (based on place of work)
- Gross Regional Product (GRP)
- Industry-specific Value Added, Output, and Sales (2-digit classification)
- Employment breakdown by industry (2-digit classification)
- Trade patterns across industries (2-digit classification)
- Worker productivity by industry



Register your interest in a State of the Regions 2024 dataset update webinar.

The Economy Team will be putting on a number of webinars aimed at sharing economic insights from the State of the Regions dataset. We invite you to register your interest early to ensure you do not miss out on updates and announcements about the developing details around these webinars.



How to access the data

The information is available at the LGA and/or regional level through .id’s online economic platform, See an example in Look for the green dot  next to pages that have been updated.



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Contact Us

If you have questions about the 2024 State of the Regions national economic dataset update, we'd love a chat. 

Contact the Economy Team at:


Register your interest

The Economy Team will be putting on a number of webinars aimed at sharing economic insights from the State of the Regions dataset. We invite you to register your interest early to ensure you do not miss out on updates and announcements about the developing details around these webinars.