Over 140 local
population forecasts
at your fingertips
Detailed forecasts of population and housing for local communities.
✅ Instant access to 140+ population forecasts for subscribing LGAs
✅ Reliable, accessible forecast information for local areas
✅ Trusted by over 1.5M people each year
❌ Not available in all Local Government Areas.
Nationwide forecast data available. Learn more.
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You've already registered for unlimited access to over 300 local area profiles.
In the .id Community suite you have access to detailed demographic, economic, housing and population forecast data. Get started by choosing the area you're interested in.
One-time sign-up for unlimited access:
Access our nationwide forecast information for local areas
Our publicly-available websites are just one way to access the forecast information from the National Forecasting Program. Contact our team to discuss other ways to access our forecast data, with options from one-off reports to forecasting data services.
Plan for the changing needs of your community with a trusted forecast of population and housing in your LGA, published in an accessible online tool.
Plan for the changing needs of your community with a trusted forecast of population and housing in your LGA, published in an accessible online tool.
forecast.id catchments
Access detailed forecasts and powerful map-based reporting that helps your teams plan more effectively within and beyond your Local Government Area.
forecast.id premium
Bring the full power of our National Forecasting Program into your organisation. We'll work with you to tailor a data partnership supported by our experts.
forecast.id premium
Bring the full power of our National Forecasting Program into your organisation. We'll work with you to tailor a data partnership supported by our experts.
forecast.id partners
Our pay-per-download program gives our consulting partners instant access to reliable and respected forecast information on a project-by-project basis.
forecast.id partners
Our pay-per-download program gives our consulting partners instant access to reliable and respected forecast information on a project-by-project basis.
forecast.id hotspot report
Find a location near the people you serve with a tailored report that identifies up to ten locations with the highest number of people in your target demographic.
forecast.id hotspot report
Find a location near the people you serve with a tailored report that identifies up to ten locations with the highest number of people in your target demographic.
forecast.id location report
Whether you're investing in a new location or checking your current strategy is on track, forecast.id location reports quantify future demand for a known location.
forecast.id location report
Whether you're investing in a new location or checking your current strategy is on track, forecast.id location reports quantify future demand for a known location.
Single-scenario forecasts of population, dwellings and households
Built by .id (informed decisions). Made publicly available by your local council.
Detailed outputs
See population composition for any year in the forecast period
No high/low forecasts
Just the most likely future scenario
Transparent assumptions
Published demographic and dwelling inputs
A proven model
Trusted source of local, independent forecasts

Insightful, time-saving information tools for
A shared resource for making informed decisions about local communities
- Deliver services where they're needed most
- Support funding submissions with data
- Respond to your changing community
- Uncover patterns of disadvantage
- Build policy on a strong evidence base
- Reference a shared source of data
Our experts also help businesses
- Build an evidence base for investment or funding
- Understand future population to plan infrastructure and services
- Map catchment areas for retail and services
- Plan age-based services such as schools and aged care facilities
A shared resource to help students, the media and community groups understand our changing population
- Advocate for your community
- Fact check your reporting
- Impress your tutuor
- Indulge your curiosity!
Frequently Asked Questions
Do these resources cover all of Australia and New Zealand?
Over 300 councils across Australia and New Zealand subscribe to make these resources publicly available. However, as the tools are commissioned by individual councils and regional bodies, some of our resources are not available in some areas, and the modules available in each profile may differ between councils.
Why do you need my email to access these tools?
We ask for your email to share resources such as eBooks, step-by-step guides and case studies to help you get the most out of the extensive data made available in each community profile.
Where do you get the data for these resources?
The .id community suite packages data from a number of sources, including the Australian and New Zealand Censuses, Hometrack, the Australian Business Register, the Department of Jobs and Small Business and partners such as the National Institute for Economic and Industry Research (NIEIR). Our in-house forecasting team produce all the population and dwelling forecast data that is used in forecast.id in consultation with the commissioning council. All data included in our resources is clearly referenced so you can easily cite the original source in your work.