Industry profiles

Explore and promote your region's key strategic industries

We provide the evidence to help you understand your industries and showcase their importance

Strategic industries drive economic growth and/or support large shares of local employment. Discover the importance of individual industries in your economy, understand their workforce profile, and identify recent trends.


Importance of the Industry

How much Value Added does the industry create? How many jobs does it support? How many businesses are registered in your region?


Size of the workforce

Identify the number of local workers in the industry and how it compares to benchmark regions.


Recent performance

How has the industry being performing compared to a regional benchmark?

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What sub-industries or occupations are over-represented in your workforce compared to a benchmark economy?

creative workers

Workforce profile & Skills

What are the demographic characteristics of your industry's workforce? What qualifications do they have?

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What location/precinct in your region supports the most workers in that industry?

How our clients are using Industry Profiles

Our clients are utilising the key findings in our profiles to:

Communicate an industry's importance to stakeholders, investors, and grant bodies

Track industry performance over time

Identify specific sub-industries to promote or support

Understand industry workforce skill gaps

Access the data when you need it

Online profiles mean the key information is always available to your staff and stakeholders.

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Inform your council and stakeholders with confidence


Evidence based

Underpin your economic development strategies, grant application and strategic plans with a robust evidence base 



Monitor the performance of your region to ensure actions are relevant and targeted

How to get started

Harness our expertise. Request a link to a sample profile or book a call to get started.

Explore a sample profile

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03 9417 2205