We've emailed you with a link for future reference.
You will also receive a series of educational emails aimed at helping you explore and understand the findings from our Living in Place community survey delivered for councils across via the Views.id platform.
Select a council marked with a green lock icon to start exploring Views.id.
Built by .id (informed decisions). Made publicly available by your local council.
what residents believe makes somewhere a good place to live.
How they experience these items in their local area? How liveabile is their LGA and what needs to happen to advance quality of life.
How a community feels about it's health, wellbeing, financial circumstances and climate change
What residents are most worried about and what ideas do they have to advance quality of life.
A shared resource for making informed decisions about local communities
Our experts also help businesses
A shared resource to help students, the media and community groups understand our changing population
Frequently Asked Questions
Do these resources cover all of Australia and New Zealand?
Over 300 councils across Australia and New Zealand subscribe to make these resources publicly available. However, as the tools are commissioned by individual councils and regional bodies, some of our resources are not available in some areas, and the modules available in each profile may differ between councils.
Do I have to pay to access these resources?
No. All the tools available in the .id Community suite are commissioned by local councils and regional authorities, who share these tools as a public resource to promote informed decision making in the community.
Why do you need my email to access these tools?
We ask for your email to share resources such as eBooks, step-by-step guides and case studies to help you get the most out of the extensive data made available in each community profile.
Where do you get the data for these resources?
The .id community suite packages data from a number of sources, including the Australian and New Zealand Censuses, Hometrack, the Australian Business Register, the Department of Jobs and Small Business and partners such as the National Institute for Economic and Industry Research (NIEIR). Our in-house forecasting team produce all the population and dwelling forecast data that is used in forecast.id in consultation with the commissioning council. All data included in our resources is clearly referenced so you can easily cite the original source in your work.
Who builds these tools?
These demographic, economic and forecasting resources are produced by .id – the population experts. .id stands for informed decisions. Our specialists have deep expertise in demographics, economics, housing and population forecasting. They work closely with spatial analysts and software developers to uncover and communicate stories of people and places.