A new forecasting service for local government

Learn more about the powerful new reporting features that are coming with your upgraded forecast.id service.


Generate forecast reports for custom catchments with a simple, map-based tool

Get forecast information for the precise area you're planning for with custom forecast catchments. Create a tailored forecast report in seconds with our simple and powerful map-based reporting engine.


Plan across LGA boundaries

Whether you're planning a swimming pool or assessing bushfire risk, the real world doesn't conform to administrative boundaries.

With forecast.id catchments you can access forecasts for areas both within and beyond your LGA from a consistent and trusted source, so you can show the true demand for infrastructure and services across your wider region.

Cross-LGA analysis


Pinpoint your target demographic

From child maternal health services to playgrounds and aged care programs, local governments support our communities with a range of services designed for certain age groups.

forecast.id local government plus allows you to visualise forecasts for any age group on a detailed heat map, revealing the locations where there will be the most demand for age-specific services.

forecast.id LG+  pinpoint demographic


Access site-specific development forecasts

Our research into current and future housing supply is a cornerstone of the forecast.id research program. By matching the forecast population to housing stock, we create realistic and detailed forecasts of both people and the dwellings they live in.

Where forecast.id local government provides aggregated development assumptions, forecast.id local government plus gives you site-by-site information about the pipeline of future housing, including location, capacity and the forecast timing and sequence of future development.

Total dwelling change for forecast areas within your LGA

forecast.id local goverment

Detailed map of all development sites within and beyond your LGA

forecast.id local goverment plus

forecast.id  Adelaide development sites forecast.id  Adelaide development sites +

Aggregated development assumptions

forecast.id local goverment

Site-by-site location, capacity and forecast development timing information

forecast.id local government plus

forecast.id LG  Development summary forecast.id LG+  Development summary

Supporting many functions of council

With unlimited access to reports for custom areas, forecast.id local government plus can support planning, policy, advocacy and decision-making across many parts of your council. 

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Community services

Plan for shared facilities and services that reach into neighbouring LGAs.


Strategic planning

Create custom forecast reports for areas that neatly match planning zones and overlays. 



Uncover the nuances of population change in your local area.



Show the forecast demand for services in your area relative to the wider region.


Assets and infrastructure

Plan with the same evidence base trusted by utilities and other essential service providers.

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Inform policy

Clearly understand the impact of policy on the future population outcomes for your community.

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Marketing and communications

Paint a clear picture of your changing community; promote your area to prospective residents, businesses and investors.


Executive and Governance

Inform your long-term strategic plans with a reliable assessment of how your area is forecast to grow and change.

How it works

Powered by the National Forecasting Program 

The National Forecasting Program is an independent research program run by .id (informed decisions) that produces the most detailed forecasts of population, housing and residential development available in Australia. 

This short video explains why forecast.id is a trusted as an independent and consistent source of forecast information. 

Learn more about the National Forecasting Program →